Border Collies areathletic, medium-sized herders standing 18 to 22 inches at the shoulder. Theoverall look is that of a muscular but nimble worker unspoiled by passing fads.Both the medium-length rough coat and the shorter smooth coat come in a widevariety of colors and patterns. The oval eyes are the focus of an intelligentexpression—an intense gaze, the Border Collie's famous “herding eye,” is abreed hallmark. In motion, they are among the canine kingdom’s most agile,balanced, and tireless citizens.
边境柯利犬是一种运动型的,体型中等的牧羊犬,肩高18至22英寸。整体看起来肌肉健壮而且敏捷, 并不因社会潮流而过时。中等毛长和短平毛的边牧都具有各种不同类型的颜色和斑纹样式。椭圆形的眼睛集中表现出智慧的表情——一种专注的凝视,边境柯利犬著名的“牧羊眼神”,是这个犬种的典型标志。在运动的时候,它们是犬类王园里最敏捷、最平衡、最不知疲倦的一群。
The exact originsof the domestic dog are locked in time and subject to speculation, but it isclear that after the development of dogs used by man to hunt, sheepdogs ofvarious kinds were created worldwide to protect the flocks. Since Biblicaltimes, flocks of goats, sheep, and cattle were the measure of individualwealth. Consequently, the development of a reliable dog to drive and protectthese flocks was a primary concern.
Sheepdogs of allbreeds are noted for their sagacity, intelligence, and trainability. Ratherthan savage a flock as a wild dog would, sheepdogs willingly protect it. And itis this active ability of the dog to serve and respond to a master's biddingwhich clearly demarcates C. familiaris from any of the wild canids. These arethe traits of workability which were selected for in the development of thevarious sheepdog breeds.
The craft oftending sheep was introduced to the British Islesby the Romans. Various Celtic clans soon created their own varieties ofsheepdogs to work these flocks. These dogs became associated with their regionsand were later known as Welsh Sheepdogs, Northern Sheepdogs, Highland Collies,Scotch Collies, and so on.
While theantecedents of the Border Collie developed throughout the British Isles, its Scottish heritage is evident in the Scottish dialectword, "collie," used to describe these dogs. Thomas Bewick's woodengravings in The History of Quadrupeds, a pre-1800 work, resemble both thesmooth and rough varieties of today's breed.
当这些现代边境柯利犬的祖先在英国威尔士蓬勃发展时,它的英格兰遗传特性已经相当明显,于是人们用英格兰的方言“柯利”这个词来描述这种犬。Thomas Bewick在其所著的19世纪之前的作品《四足动物的历史》中,列出了和当今边牧很像的短毛和中毛型。
In 1860, classes for"Scotch Sheep Dogs" were offered at the Birmingham Dog Society thesecond dog show ever held in England.On a trip to Balmoral a short time later, Queen Victioria saw her first Collieand became an active enthusiast of the breed. It is at this point that thedivergence between our modern Collie and the traditional shepherd's dog began.However, today's Border Collie has remained a true working animal with verylittle change from the original type.
Credit is given toMr. R.J. Lloyd Price for the institution of sheepdogtrials. In 1876, he brought 100 wild Welsh sheep to the AlexandraPalace in London for a demonstration. Three sheep werepicked out of the flock, which had been guided to a remote corner of the park,and were carried to a far hill and released. 
牧羊犬比赛制度归功于R.J. Lloyd Price。1876年,他带了100只野生威尔士绵羊来到伦敦的Alexandra宫进行展示。三只从羊群中挑选出的绵羊被引至公园里的偏远的一角,再经过更远的山丘上释放。
The sheepdogs'responsibilities were to fold the sheep into a small pen in the middle of thepark. An account in the Live Stock Journal describedthe astonishment of the spectators at the intelligence of the dogs whose onlyassistance was in the form of hand signals and whistles from their masters. Itis this astonishing ability which serious Border Collie breeders wish to retainin the breed, above all else.
接下来,牧羊犬的职责是把羊聚拢至公园中心一个小小的围栏里。Live Stock Journal杂志的一个会计描述了观众对这些狗的惊讶程度,它们仅靠主人的手势信号和口哨指挥就完成了工作。这种惊人的能力正是那些严肃的边牧繁殖人最希望保留下来的犬种特性,优于其它所有特性。
Recognizedworldwide as the premier sheepherding dog, known for its obedience,trainability and natural appearance, the Border Collie was given Herding Groupdesignation and became eligible for full recognition status on October 1, 1995.
They thrive whenthey have a job to do and space to run. Due to their tendency to herd objectsand people, they do best with mature, well-behaved children. They love theirfamilies, but may be somewhat reserved with strangers. While a well-trained andsocialized Border Collie makes a superb companion and working partner, this doesnot happen by accident. Some Border Collies can tend to be uncertain ornoise-sensitive when young. All dogs require proper socialization as they aregrowing up to gain confidence in a variety of settings to help them mature intocalm, well-behaved adults. All dogs should be trained to use a crate, as thisis the safest way to protect the dog and your belongings when the dog is homealone or unsupervised. Inside a crate is also the safest way to ride in a car.Puppy training classes provide a head start on the training and socializationprocess. In addition to classes, expose the puppy to different people, animals,sights, sounds, and experiences by taking him everywhere with you during hisentire puppyhood. This will result in an adult dog that can cope in a varietyof environments with assurance.



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